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in order to access the
registration link.
If you don't have a account, Click the SIGN IN button and follow the directions to create one.
Registration cannot be completed on the mobile app.
Be sure to double check your school's practice information to avoid any conflicts.
The Landsharks Running Club, a Colorado Springs based non-profit, develops young athletes in positive, safe, character-based programs for those in Kindergarten through 6th grade.
The focus is on having fun, competing against individual abilities, improving personal skills, being an encouraging teammate, making new friends, and promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Since 2000, the Landsharks Running Club has provided over 120,000 children with experiences each season that benefit their physical and psycho-social health.
The benefits of Landsharks outweighs the physical benefits and have been proven to teach children perseverance; goal-setting and other skills that help them succeed academically, socially, and as an athlete in numerous sports.
Landsharks Running Club Receives 2022 & 2023 Best of Colorado Springs Award
COLORADO SPRINGS April 9, 2023 -- Landsharks Running Club has been selected for the 2023 Best of Colorado Springs Award in the Youth Organization category by the Colorado Springs Award Program.
Welcome, LANDSHARKS, to the Colorado Springs Business Hall of Fame!
Landsharks Running Club is among a very small group of companies that have won the Best of Colorado Springs Award for two consecutive years. This distinction has qualified Landsharks Running Club for the 2023 Colorado Springs Business Hall of Fame.
If interested or need additional information on how to start a program at your school,
please call 719-623-5314.